Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Harvest Time Community Church is a cell based church. We have a number of cells running in the community. Home cells meet on a Wednesday evening.
We have nine cell values:
Praying for and reaching out to the lost for Christs sake

Building strong bonds between members of the local body of Christ

Being open to others in a trusting environment. People need to be able to release inner conflict and anxiety

Promoting confidentiality and security because of transparency of members of the group

Being there for others as needs arise in our lives

Living pure and honest lives before God and each other for the testimony of Christ and the group

Being sensitive to each others needs and concerns

Being responsible and answerable to each other for words and actions both in and away from the group

Knowing that it is Gods will for the group to be fruitful and multiply and being willing to release others in the group to pursue their ministry calling

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